“Today’s migration crisis in the Mediterranean reminds us that Europe’s and North Africa’s histories run in parallel and are inextricably linked, with Mediterranean Africa potentially a vital interface as much as a margin of continents, seas and economic zones. Understanding these changing dynamics over the longterm is a manifest priority”
Archaeological deep history and dynamics of Mediterranean Africa
ca. 9600-700BC
MedAfrica project sets out to produce the first up-to-date, comprehensive, problematised synthesis and interpretation for a generation of what can be established about long-term social and economic dynamics on the African flank of the Mediterranean between the end of the last glacial (ca. 9600BC) and the arrival of Phoenicians and Greeks (variably 800-600BC), and to identify major factors shaping the patterns detected.
The project is based at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, and is funded by the Leverhulme Trust.